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yummy in my tummy

So, I just had the best tasting rice, veggie, potato blend veggie crisp ever! Seriously. Good stuff. It's called Flat Earth and the flavor of the day is tangy tomato ranch. Really yummy people. I'm usually not a huge fan of baked veggie crisps, but the flavor was better than anything I've ever tasted. I'd take a picture of the now empty bag, but I don't have my camera with me today.

Anyway, in other news, my sister is moving today. Kind of bummed, not gonna lie. But she's only in the next state. A mere 4 hour drive. Uh...yeah. I was just informed that I inherited all her spices. Don't know if I should be excited or not seeing as my roommate already has a ton of spices that I've been using. Our supply will probably be doubled with the stash that my sister passed on to me.

Uh...there was something else that I wanted to post about but it has conveniently slipped my mind. Hm...oh! I bought a new pair of earrings from this place called The Coal Umbrella here in Provizzle. Really cool vintage store with no air conditioning. Even if it was edging on uncomfortably hot, I scored a pair of cute little red earrings. Now I just have to find something that will go with my new found treasure. They also have a bunch of really cool vinyls. I totally wanted to buy some, but alas, I don't have a record player. So I bought a record for my brother instead. I didn't get him anything for his birthday, so this pretty cheap vinyl was a major brownie point scorer for me. It was a good 7 bucks cheaper than the same album in cd form. I like the store and I like the fact that it saved me some money. :-)

Bought 2 pairs of shoes as well. I went to the DI in American Fork to get supplies to make a replica of an earring holder out of a old Manilow record and I passed by the shoes and lo and behold, a perfectly new pair of tan suede Vans. Normally, I wouldn't buy shoes from a secondhand store because of my fear of contracting some weird foot fungus, but these had never ever been worn outside much less inside. I got them for a mere 5 bucks when normally they're 50 bucks or more. Also bought a pair of American Eagle shoes from Payless last night. I thought they'd be comfortable to wear all day, but I was wrong. They look like Mary Janes except of a leather strap and buckle, it's a connected to the shoe on both sides piece of elastic. Forgetting that feet swell through out the day, the elastic strap wasn't letting the blood flow quite as much as I wanted it to to my toes. Needless to say my feet looked a little weird after I took them off. I was assured, though, that the elastic strap will stretch so that it won't do that anymore. I just hope it's sooner than later because i really like them and I'd hate to have to give them away just because my feet swell...

Anyhow, its almost time for me to go home. It's been a long long day and I'm tired of having to deal with people.



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