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The perks of being a wallflower

I don't know why I titled this blog what I did; it was the first thing that ran through my brain as I glanced at the empty space where my title is now being occupied.

Anyway, I'm stuck at my brother's house for the night. At times like these, I wish I had some form of transportation other than the bus or something physical like walking or biking. I don't mind sleeping here. I'd just rather be sleeping in my own bed where I'm allowed to sleep in just my garments. Here, I can't do that since my nieces are prone to waking up early and asking questions that they wouldn't understand the answers to. I guess another perk of spending the night here is the fact that I don't have to eat any of my own food much less cook it myself. I guess it's more or less a vacation from what I usually do at home for myself. Cooking, cleaning...all in all, I'd rather be sleeping in my own bed tonight.

I haven't felt like updating much lately. Other than last week when the finale was on for American Idol. I used to be more or less a fan. I'm more of a watch all the crazies audition in the beginning, get my fill of Simon's truthful-but-lacking-tact comments and fast forward to the end when it's down the last 2 contestants. I can get the jist of what's going on during the season from the news or people who actually watch the whole season. I guess not having your tv hooked up is good in a way. You don't get hooked to silly series or reality shows but for me, I miss watching Letterman and the news. I'm a huge Dave Letterman fan. Leno just doesn't do it for me. Maybe it's the wannabe New Yorker in me. Anyway, I want to be able to have the option of watching my favorite shows. CSI, Law & Order, Letterman, the news. I haven't watched enough tv in the past 6 months to really get hooked to any other series. CSI and Law & Order are just good standbys. I'd be pretty lost if I were to pick them up Oh, and the Mormony side of me yearns for conference on tv instead of on the radio. I pay attention so much better when I can actually see the person speaking.

That was a huge tangent, was it not? So, I don't feel like updating. There hasn't been a whole lot going on. My roommate is/was having relationship problems, but I don't think it's so much of a problem anymore. Meaning: the guy isn't around to be a problem or cause problems just by being there. I don't know all the details and honestly, I'm finding it a bit hard to want to really care about the whole situation. I hate being caught in something that I don't need to be caught in the middle of anyway. Plus, they've been going back and forth for the past 8 months or so and if nothing has come of them not making up their minds when the "relationship" is "on", than its better left alone. Some people aren't meant to be together and some people choose not to be together. He more or less chose and honestly, I don't think they'd be a good match. He's kind of quiet and doesn't have good self esteem. When he decides he doesn't want to be in relationship, he'll flirt non stop with you which is enough to drive you nuts because you're supposed to be only friends. It's annoying to watch. I haven't been in a relationship with him and I don't desire to be in a relationship with the guy. He doesn't know what he wants and is constantly changing his mind. Gosh...I'm saying more about this mess than I want to. It's just annoying me.

Anyway, it's almost midnight and my eyes are failing to focus. Time for bed!


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