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I'm feeling...

a little claustrophobic at the moment. Maybe it's because I'm wearing a lot of layers. My ankle is kind of killing me as well. I started the gas station job today. Didn't smell one whiff of gasoline the whole time I was there. That makes me happy. I did, however, have to stand for 5 hours straight. I escaped to the bathroom for a moment just to sit down. I got a free breakfast sandwich today too. Thankfully...I was kind of starving when my boss gave it to me.

I need to look up ankle exercises. I don't think my ankle likes me standing up for mass amounts of time with no real break. Or maybe I'm just getting soft from having a sit down job for the past year.

....oh brain fart...

I watched the newer version of Pride and Prejudice last night. It was pretty great. I really like Mr. Darcy for the sheer fact that he's really such a gentleman. But I don't think I'll ever be truly in love with him because I actually enjoy working and things like that independence wouldn't really fly with Mr. Darcy. Even still, he's a pretty fine specimen. Anyhow, the movie made me start thinking of a certain formerly afro hair guy who just got a hair cut. Can I swear off guys for a little while longer? They're confusing. They say things that they don't mean. Ok...not all of them are horrible. I know a few guys who are just really good and kind. This former curly haired boy is part of the that group. I like him. I've never considered dating him because I liked his brother. But now that I know for certain his brother won't do anything about dating because he's too dang shy, I think I'm free to like the younger of two.

The end where Mr. Darcy has stepped out of Mr. Bennett's office and Lizzy goes in to talk to her father, that part always gets me. The emotion of it all...

Anyway, I can't really focus right now. My mind won't stay in the game. Maybe I need a nap...


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