So, I'm starting a new blog. Turning over a new leaf of sorts I suppose. I've been so much changing over the past year, I need to shed off the old and let the new shine through.
Anyway, I was looking through some blogs of some old school mates of mine. I came upon Valerie Kaur. She and I met in second grade in Mrs. Sarkisian's class. Let me just say this: I'm pretty sure she knew where she was headed from the get go. She is probably one of the smartest people I know...and I know a lot of people from all over the world. If she ran for President of the United States, I would totally vote for her. Not because I'm all for females being more active in society and government, but because she's really dedicated to what she does.
Well, I have to scoot off to band practice. I'm joining a community symphony of sorts here in American Fork. It should be fun. I'll post about it later.
Anyway, I was looking through some blogs of some old school mates of mine. I came upon Valerie Kaur. She and I met in second grade in Mrs. Sarkisian's class. Let me just say this: I'm pretty sure she knew where she was headed from the get go. She is probably one of the smartest people I know...and I know a lot of people from all over the world. If she ran for President of the United States, I would totally vote for her. Not because I'm all for females being more active in society and government, but because she's really dedicated to what she does.
Well, I have to scoot off to band practice. I'm joining a community symphony of sorts here in American Fork. It should be fun. I'll post about it later.