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Showing posts from January, 2014

Beautiful Disaster

I have this song going through my head right now. It kind of makes me sad when I think of the lyrics as it applies to the girls I work with. "Every magazine she reads tells her she's not good enough" and "She would change everything for happy ever after." That's the part that gets me every time. These girls are so unhappy and at some point in their recovery, they hate the choices that got them to the point where they were sent away because the adults in their lives couldn't handle them. It makes me even more sad when I read their files and hear when their parents aren't really supporting them in their recovery. I wish I could give specifics but privacy is valuable over here in these parts. Suffice it to say, the relationship daughters have with their parents should be one of the most important relationships a parent has. Their mistakes make me feel so grateful for the parents that I have. Not that their parents didn't love them enough...