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Showing posts from March, 2012

Pouring Rain

Dear Sunshine, I was so happy to find you peeking through the clouds this morning. So happy, in fact, that I was excited to start my day of errands. Two hours later, though, you've gone away and your evil cousin has settled in. That's right. It is pouring rain right now. POURING. Why? Why did you have to go away? Don't you know I wanted to do something fun today? Didn't you know that your patchy sunshine-y goodness would have made the day that much more enjoyable rather than sheets of rain? Ugh...I am so done with the rain. I'm done with the bottom of my pants being soaked through. I'm done having to wear socks and shoes. Please tell spring to hurry the heck up and tell summer that she needs to be here by the time May rolls around, okay? I need my sunshine back. I need you back in my life. You make everything feel better. You make my tennis calluses worth having them in the first place. So, please. Just come back. I love having you around. I think you shou...

Catching Up

I have felt the need to catch up with the world wide web this past week. Since purchasing my laptop just a couple days ago - almost a week - I've been blog stalking, Facebook stalking, Twitter stalking (though not as fun as Facebook), watching my shows on Hulu, catching up on my YouTube channel subscriptions,  reading  skimming my NY Times subscription, trying to find cool stuff to do in Portland, ordering work pants online, adding stuff to my Amazon wish list. The list could go on for eternity, but I won't bore you. With all this "catching up", I haven't slept very well. It's nearly 2 AM and I have to be at work at 8 AM. Yep. I have less than five hours to sleep tonight...awesome. I was supposed to be in bed at least an hour ago but being me, I needed to clean up my room after going to Target and Rite Aid tonight. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I resolve to: *Clean the rest of my room. Putting every needful thing in its place. *Eat a healthy dinner 'cause heav...

A Whole Month

So, obviously - or not - I haven't posted anything in the last month. Mostly, because a certain laptop decided to take a nosedive into oblivion. I feel like this month sabbatical from the internet was good for me. I really didn't get more done, necessarily, but I wasn't staying up late playing games on Facebook or lurking through blogs of people I don't know. I do, however, feel like I missed out on a lot. You know, like little tidbits of people's lives and whatnot. But it's okay. I got my Federal tax refund today and I will be - finally - purchasing a laptop. So, I guess that month off from all things internet will be in vain. Maybe. I don't know. Anyway, enough of the not even close to connecting ideas/sentences. I don't know if I posted in my last post that I got a job. I did. I've been working 40 hours a week for what feels like very little money. Although, I can't complain a whole lot, it is a job. Bottom line, I get paid. Not a whole lo...