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Things I'm resolving to do better in 2012:

1. Actual journal writing. I broke out my paper journal when I moved to Oregon to remind myself that I needed to document the move and neglected to even open it till last night. I wrote until my brain was thoroughly swished around in my head. I still need to write more about what is going on in my life. There is so much that has happened in the past couple days. Big, huge, gigantic life changing decisions need to be made and I'm scared. These type of things I've neglected to write in my journal the past year. 365 days of life has gone by and I haven't written any of it done.

2. Read my Patriarchal Blessing more often. I really am a dummy when it comes to spiritual things. In all the stressful things that have been happening in the past year, I've practically had to smack myself for not reading this sacred piece of personal scripture more often.

3. Scripture study. My friend Claudia started this little challenge on Monday to read the Book of Mormon in three months. That comes to about six pages every day. It's day 3 and I'm already behind 18 pages. Talk about slacker tendencies and I'd be the poster child.

4. Being healthy in general. I haven't had a whole of meat in the past 3 weeks. Mostly because I ran out of lunch meat and cheese and the only protein I had available were black beans and eggs - until I ran out of eggs 2 weeks ago...but I digress. I gave being a vegan a 72 hour try out and decided that I'm far too lazy to read labels and put in the work necessary to live that kind of lifestyle. Besides, I love eating cheese and eggs and bacon way too much to ever give them up completely. With that said, vegetarianism is probably going to be a lot easier for to handle both mentally and emotionally (yes, food is emotional. Just ask any girl who is on her period.).  Although, I'll probably won't ever be a strict vegetarian. Kind of those Jewish people who eat pork...

As far as exercising goes, I have, at my disposal, a nature park trail that starts in my parking lot. I've been walking at least 30 minutes a day and it feels pretty good to be out of the house taking in the fresh air. Even though it's been raining every day for the past 2 weeks, Oregon rain can't decide whether or not it wants to be misty like the produce sprayer thingies or if it actually wants to rain for real. So walking in the rain hasn't proven to be too much a nuisance.

Other than those 4 basic "goals", I'm still going to be doing the Year of the Granola. I won't be coming back to Utah with dreadlocks, weird piercings reeking of patchouli oil, but I'll definitely be trying a lot different things this year. Like meditation and yoga in the nature park next door.

I've decided that once I'm done with being in Oregon, I'm moving back to Utah. I thought I was trying to get out of Utah to something that would better suit me, but I realized that Utah has become my home. Reasons will be forthcoming if I can actually face my hard decisions and be super honest with some people. It's scary...

Anyway, life has been interesting. Life hasn't been easy. Needless to say, I'm waiting for my Sunday to come and for the sunshine to come back. Life is always better when the sun is shining.


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