My roommates and I went to the beach this last week to recharge our batteries. After so many rainy/foggy days, it felt amazing to be able to spend the day in the sun. We literally spent the whole day just walking around. Most everything was closed for the season, but it was fun spending time outside for once. I can only imagine how crowded this place is during the summer. It's the closest beach town to where we live so, we'll probably have to head south - or north - to Astoria, Rockaway or Tillamook. I'm excited either way.
In other news, I finally got a call back for a job interview. In fact, they had me do a first AND second interview while I was there. I'm hoping that I'll hear back from them this next week. I mean, why keep me there for two hours if they weren't going to hire me, right? I don't know...I'm just hoping to hear back from them. It'll be nice to have an income again and not get so sick over how I'm going to pay my rent and bills.
I've also been keeping up on my Year of the Granola. I gave in on the meat thing this last week. Which in turn made my stomach not so happy. I have a whole chicken and some tuna and a couple cans of chili to eat before I go back to not eating so much meat. I actually am not eating so much of it anyway. Today, for example, I had banana pancakes for breakfast and lunch (I need to get out of the habit of cooking for a whole family!) with peanut butter and honey on top. Then for dinner I had a turkey, cheddar and avocado sandwich. I figure I need to eat a little bit of protein during the day to keep my blood sugar down. It's been pretty easy to lay off the greasy take out food since I haven't had the money to spend on that kind of stuff. And to be completely honest, I don't miss it. I mean, it probably won't stop me from getting Chinese take out every once in a while, but when it comes down to it, having picky eaters as roommates, you don't go out very much. Plus, I'm poor. So, fruit and veggies and granola have been mainstays in my diet as of late.
Oh! I'm happy to announce that we FINALLY got furniture! We went to the Goodwill Outlet - where things go to die if they don't sell at the regular Goodwill - and got TWO couches for $55 bucks total. I also got to drive the UHaul truck to pick the couches up. When I was a kid, I always wanted to drive the UHaul truck when we moved so yesterday was a dream come true. *lol* Anyway, the couches aren't perfect, they have little marks on them and small tear, but really? I'm just so excited to have real furniture! Hopefully, if I get this job, I'll be getting a bed next. When you're a kid or when you're a young college student moving into furnished apartments, you give no thought to how much beds cost. I have to say that beds are so over-priced. I mean sure, you have your fancy schmancy beds like Temperpedic or that memory foam stuff, but for a basic bed, they are entirely too expensive. In my mind, they should be like DVD players: expensive at first, but the price goes down after a while when literally everyone is mass producing them.
Anyway, there isn't much else to write home about. I'm still looking for a job. Still trying to figure out my next step. It's been quite tiring being me as of late. But I'm still trucking along...or at least trying to.