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Showing posts from September, 2011

Sit Down and Be Quiet

"Don't you know that four-fifths of all our troubles in this life would disappear if we would just sit down and keep still?" Calvin Coolidge So true, Mr. President. So true. Now if only I can get my nursery kids to believe that, I'd be golden. In all actuality though, I find that quote to be true. When you're arguing with someone, sometimes it's just better to sit down and be still. Let the person get their anger and frustration out. Don't egg them on with stupid comments or with words that you will inevitably regret in an hour. See their side of the argument. Feel what they're feeling. Maybe there will be more peace and quiet in your life if you're just... still.

What-chu Talking About Willis?

so, today. today. today. today. the new schedule came out, and i was happy. it was relatively pain free. or so i thought. apparently, with General Conference looming like a thunderous cloud over the likes of LDS cashiers who are not able to partake in such spiritual feasting because they have to work, i thought that i was going to catch at least some of the talks on Saturday. turns out, i'll be able to catch exactly 1/8 of the expected 1/2 of the Saturday talks that i thought i'd be able to listen to. why you ask? well, let me tell you. i was put "in charge" as lead cashier for the closing shift on Saturday. where there is usually only four closing cashiers, there are now F I V E. mind you, on a Saturday that is pretty much doomed to be slower than molasses on a frigid winter morning. and only one closing job coach who has so much more authority than i do. anyway... my authority only covers my till. not harry, joe and curly's . i can't sign in or sign out ...

Things Happen

So...things/stuff have been happening You know, as it usually does when life is being lived. I'm not leaving for Oregon as early in the month as I thought. Which is fine. I was a little bummed that I was going to miss Thanksgiving with my family. But, as it turns out, my bff can't leave till the end of November anyway. That leaves me a little longer to save money, have one last holiday with my family and a little time to start/finish my Christmas shopping. My job coach has worked maybe 3 days since she started the beginning of the month. She hasn't been back since. I think we scared her off. Maybe. I've had the munchies for the past forever. I don't know if it's because of stress or some crazy hormones. But I don't like it. I haven't gained any weight, but having the constant urge to snack on licorice and popcorn and other things isn't such a great way to spend my time. On the other hand, to distract myself, I've been cleaning, reading and ge...

Not Gonna Lie....

It makes me nervous that my land lady is piddling outside with the sprinklers. Don't get me wrong. She's a great land lady. Waaaaaay better than the butt head I had before moving to Ogden. She's generally nice, but still. She's intimidating. She all business. And when she's here doing maintenance on her little Monopoly strip of 14th St. (she basically owns like a whole city block of apartments and townhouses), I just want to run away for some reason. Anyhow... I've noticed there's been a TON of flies. Everywhere. At work. In my house. On the bus. EVERYWHERE. It's so annoying. I know it's because fall is quickly approaching and it's almost time for the dang things to lay eggs for spring. Still. I want to kill every last one of them. Send them to fly...hell? Heaven? idk. Where do flies go after they die? I'd almost bet that they'd go to hell. Ha...anyway... I went to Antelope Island on Monday with my brother and sister-in-law and their girl...