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Showing posts from May, 2010

What do you do at 1am?

Actually, don't answer could come down to a case of TMI. Anyway, here is what I do at 1am when procrastination and stress and lots of things on my mind combine to ensue in a touch of insomnia. I stole this from a friend who stole it from a friend who did a longer version of what I'm about to do. It's a list of me! I pretty much heart lists. Seriously. Grocery lists and I are friends. Anyhow, here is my list of 40 things and if you feel the need to do something superfluous to break up your day, I hereby tag YOU. *Here's a slight stipulation: try and come up with something we already don't know about you. Something that the blog-o-sphere doesn't even know. You don't have to get over personal or anything, because, well, people need a little mystery in their lives. Gracias!* 1. When I'm old and have settled into my career, I want to end up in some small coastal town on the Pacific Ocean where I can sit on the beach and watch the sunset while I eat m...