I know its almost 1:40 am and I'm pretty sure by the time the clock strikes 2am, I'll still be up taking my make up off and taking a shower before I go to bed for the night...err, morning, I mean. At least till its time for me to go to work and to Farmer's Market anyway. So, my one big piece of juicy news....drum roll, please!....my pell grant is paying for ALL of my tuition this semester. ALL $2100 of it. Fees and tuition and whatever the State of Utah wants to charge poor college students, such as I, to attend the fine institution of Utah Valley University. So yes, my friends, I am going to school and I really don't have worry about paying tuition. Next step is paying for books and my id, which I'm hoping that it won't be killer. Anyhow, I'm taking 17 credits this semester and I'll be attending school solid for the next year. At least. I know I mentioned earlier that I was going to to attend Mountainland Applied Tech. College to do the pharmacy tech pr...