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I'm going to throw out a cautionary apology for any whackiness that may ensue in this blog this early morn. "Cautionary, eh?" Yes, I can hear you asking that very question right now. To which I have to reply, "Yes. Cautionary. Its as good ol' Webster would define as a warning, admonisment, prudent forethought to minimize risk." It is, after all, 1:16am. I have to wake up in about 8 hours. Eight if I want to shower before work. Nine if I don't really give a rats behind granted I will be frying food for part of my shift in the morning.

Anyway, I was going through some of the blogs I follow. One of which I am "blog stalking". This particular blog has got me thinking that I need to take more pictures. I'm not very good. There are a few pictures that I think are pretty good but could stand a little editing just to fill out a few colors here and there. These pictures are on my camera and have not been looked at by anyone other myself.

I also have been following an old roommate's blog for a while. She is one of the most spirtual people I have ever known. And I know a lot of spiritual people. She is completely lovely and probably one of my most favorite roommates. I mention her because I look up to her. She is so grateful for things in her life that I wouldn't think to be grateful for.

I mention these two people for two reasons. Firstly, I want to take more pictures of my daily wanderings. I love photography and I have a camera that works. I may not be the best photographer, but I might as well make use of my investment. Secondly, my old roommate is one of the best examples of being grateful for the things that the Lord has blessed her with.

Some things come naturally to people. Like taking good photos and being grateful for everything the Lord gives you. I want to start working on those things for myself. At one point in my life, it was brought to my attention that I was ungrateful for something that was given to me. After that embarassing moment - embarassing because it was pointed out by my sister - I made it a point to say 'thank you' to anyone who has in some way shown me a kindness or has given service to me. I just never thought of writing down the blessings that the Lord has so lovingly bestowed upon me. Ok, I have thought about it, but I've been lousy at writing them down like I should have been doing for these many a year.

As far as photography skills go, apparently they run in my family. I just don't ever think to charge my batteries and look for things to photograph. At work, we have a drive up window. My shift covers the lunch rush and the afternoon drive home as well as the sunset. There has been a couple days when I've seen the sunset against the white snow on Mt. Timpanogos and think to myself, "Dang. My camera phone could never capture what I'm seeing right now. I wish I had my camera."

Mostly, I want to catch whatever moments I am feeling content with the world. Sunsets, not minding having to wait for the bus for a couple minutes after a good day at work and bright sunny days in the middle of a frigid January in Utah. Seemingly simple things that make me happy for life and being where I am. Its those things that perpetuate an energy inside of my soul to better my way of living. Being grateful for and having hard evidence of the majesty and serenity of the surrounding landscape are things that I need to include more of in my life.

I guess, all in all, I want to pick up and dust off the talents that I have and possibly pick up more talents along the way. Its so hard when I look at the list of talents that I am capable of and compare them to people who are exceptional in one field or another. Especially when it comes to my writing, but that's a different topic for different day.

So, it has taken me all of 5o minutes to write this blog. Geez...I guess I won't be showering before work. Thank goodness for deodorant and body spray! And a friend who trusts you enough to borrow his laptop for a couple days. To you friend, I say thank you.

: -]


Malaina said…
Hey Joyce! I like your blog :) I'd love to see your mad hot photography skills...
Scott said…
Joyce! Love the blog!
Laura said…
I figured out how to add blogs! are you proud! I don't think you talk this much at home I wish you would!

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