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Showing posts from May, 2008

The perks of being a wallflower

I don't know why I titled this blog what I did; it was the first thing that ran through my brain as I glanced at the empty space where my title is now being occupied. Anyway, I'm stuck at my brother's house for the night. At times like these, I wish I had some form of transportation other than the bus or something physical like walking or biking. I don't mind sleeping here. I'd just rather be sleeping in my own bed where I'm allowed to sleep in just my garments. Here, I can't do that since my nieces are prone to waking up early and asking questions that they wouldn't understand the answers to. I guess another perk of spending the night here is the fact that I don't have to eat any of my own food much less cook it myself. I guess it's more or less a vacation from what I usually do at home for myself. Cooking, cleaning...all in all, I'd rather be sleeping in my own bed tonight. I haven't felt like updating much lately. Other than last week ...

American Idol

Oh god...why are Utahns so obsessed about American Idol? Seriously. It's almost 15 minutes into the news and all they have been talking about is David Archuleta. A girl who was at Energy Solutions Arena was all broken up about David Archuleta losing tonight. So freaking annoying! Get over it!

20 things about me

1.) I actually don't mind going to the dentist. 2.) I never wanted to live in Utah for more than a year...Hello year 5! 3.) I am jealous of my sister but we haven't been as close as we are now. I love her and can't picture my life without her. 4.) I hate Utah drivers. On the freeway, people in the middle lane are always trying to get off. People in the fast lane are going slow and people in the slow lane are going at break neck speeds because of the idiots in the other 2 lanes. Psh ...they're all idiots. 5.) I love buying new shoes but I hate the actual act of shopping. Something about hordes of idiot shoppers and clueless employees turns me off to the whole idea of "retail therapy". Go figure... 6.) I hated the years proceeding my mothers death. People thought they had to walk on egg shells around me, my family situation was hell, and I didn't want to deal with any of it. So more often than not, I ran away from it all and found myself either in L.A. or on...

To the dentist I must go!

Bleh...I'm almost home free. T minus 3 minutes and counting... Oh, and I get to go to the dentist tomorrow. Hooray for me! Hopefully they'll be able to do as much work as possible tomorrow because it was a pain to try and get time off. I am actually quite thankful to the guy who was able to take my Tuesday shift at the gas station. I've only been there a month and I'm already starting to hate my job...go figure. Work around a bunch of people who have shiz for brains and you inevitably go crazy. True story...


So, I went into work this morning not feeling like I wanted to be there. Nothing unusual about that, really. I was 15 minutes early so I decided to dry my still wet hair with the hand dryer in the bathroom. The girl I work with Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings said to me as I went around to the office to clock in, "You're late. Why are you late?" I looked at her, I must have rolled my eyes at this point because she gave me a dirty look, and said, "I am not late. In fact, I'm 10 minutes early." It'd be one thing if I enjoyed my job and worked with people that I liked but I don't like my job and I really don't enjoy most of the people I work with. My goal is to find a job that I really like, which is a tall order in and of itself, and find co-workers that I actually enjoy working with. Ok, I guess I can be a bit too snarky and too snappish to people, but its because they annoy the crap out of me. I really need to take chill...


So, I just applied to a few AmeriCorp positions which means, if I get an job offers, I won't be able to work at the cell phone store which means, my brother may or may not be so happy with me if I do get a job offer. If I do get a job offer and finish out the year of service required, I'll be able to get an "Education Award". Basically $4800 will go towards school plus whatever else the government will give me. And one of the jobs I applied for called me. I didn't answer though. *stupid stupid stupid!* Gah! Anyway, it's almost time for me to go. I haven't learned anything new today at the cell phone store. I'm a little nervous about it...


Glorious Friday! I am really tired. I don't think I've gotten any decent sleep all week! ... And I really don't feel like updating right now...