I feel like a broken record here on dear ol' blog. I write about my mom. A lot. Today in the United States is Mother's Day. This is year 20 that I haven't had my mom here on earth to celebrate her. We got to celebrate her one last time before she died 53 days later. I take the time to remember her on her birth and death dates (coincidentally, my sister and mom share the same day of birth.) but Mother's Day is always hard for me. I kind of gloss over the day all together and now that I'm sitting in the dark without my mom I'm sad. This year on July 4th my mom will have been gone 20 years. She has been gone for more than half my life. I don't remember doing anything especially out of the ordinary for my mom on Mother's Day when I was younger. Looking back I wish I wasn't such a selfish kid or at least paid more attention to special days to celebrate my mom. A year or two before my mom died, she wrote me a letter for Valentines Day. I think she knew s...