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Showing posts from May, 2014

Long Time

So, in the last 15 minutes of my shift here at my second job...oh wait. You didn't know I have a second job? Yeah. New development. I guess that's what I get when I don't update at least once a month. Anyway, in no apparent order, here is a short list of things that have been happening lately: I got a second job last week. Obviously, if we're FB friends, you'd have known about that already. But whatevs. I ran out of money on my UTA (Utah Transit Authority) card, so I had to hoof it or bike to my new job all this past week. It's two miles in one direction. With this upswing in physical exercise, I've come to know that biking two miles isn't easy when you're going at a constant uphill incline. And one would assume it'd be easier going back the other way. But it isn't. The streets here in Provo going towards Y mountain have weird inclines and declines and well, if you're going towards Utah Lake, you should have a slight decline in the wa...