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Showing posts from October, 2012

A Change Will Do You Good

Things are a'changin 'round these parts. First off, I'm finally moving out of my brother's house...thank cheesus! As much as I've loved hanging out with my nieces and nephew, I've got to say that the idea of having a REAL bed to sleep in makes me weep tears of joy. Okay, maybe not literally, but I seriously cannot wait to sleep in a real bed on Friday. Second, as some of you may - or may not - know, it's hard to get a job interview at BYU as a non-student worker or as someone who has never attended. I put in two applications for the bookstore on campus thinking that I'd get a rejection email. But I didn't. Yesterday, I had a short phone interview with a girl from the e-commerce department of the bookstore and she said that as soon as the HR department reviews my application, that they'll give me a call. I'm pretty hopeful. While the position isn't a permanent one, I'll be thankful for the extra money. If I get this job, I'll get...

At Work

Today marks my 5th shift here at work. I've been called in once and have had to come in early so another staff member could take a girl to the hospital for mild concussion. My experience so far has been pretty good. I haven't met a lot of the girls, but I'm feeling like that's a good thing. They should be asleep when I'm here. I'm figuring out, very quickly, that my shift doesn't require a whole lot from me. I have to check on the girls a minimum of 31 times during my shift and if they have to use the bathroom, I let them. But other than that, I pretty much sit around on Facebook or Tumblr or Blogger. I get to do whatever I want in between checks. If I had a job where I needed to actually do something, I think I'd enjoy the graveyard shift a lot more.  So, is going well. I just wish that I had a an extra shift or two during the week so I don't have to stress out so much about money and how I'm going to be able to afford rent and ...


I found a job. A graveyard shift kind of job where I'll be babysitting teen-aged girls while they sleep and praying to God that they don't decide to run away while I'm there. These girls are there for court ordered rehab. You drug rehab. I'm hoping, though, that my shift will be pretty smooth sailing considering they should be in bed and asleep by the time I arrive.  This should be interesting...