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Showing posts from July, 2009

Mama always said...

To drink your water. I've been drinking 3 liters of water every day for the past week and let me tell you: I have not peed so much in my life. My skin has cleared up too. I've been taking Omega 3 fish oil, which not only helps lower and protect my heart from my high cholesterol, but it also aids in skin and joint health. To moisturize! I bought my fave "I'm-poorer-than-poor" stand-by: Suave. I bought a small bottle of the Advanced Therapy. I think my skin loves this lotion. Especially my elbows and feet. Speaking of moister, my lips are chapped like no other which adds to my list of things I don't like about Utah. Moist is starting sound weird...and a little dirty. >. Eat your veggies and fruit. I have had so much fruit this week and I have loved every single minute of it! I bought cherries today from Albertsons on one of my spur of the moment stops. I'm excited to eat my cherries. I miss my fruit stands in California. Especially my summertime fruit sta...

Once there was a hungry little caterpillar...

Man...its almost 9:30pm and I am hungry. Did I eat dinner? Yes, check. I am thinking about my stomach and all I want to eat is: All I see is a bunch of yummy looking carbs. Well, aside from that nice roast chicken. Yum...roast chicken...drool...doughnuts....haha.

10 years...

So I'm sitting in the semi darkness of dusk thinking about my mom. I can't believe its been 10 years since she passed away. 10 years...has it really been that long? I remember the last couple months of her life on earth like they were yesterday and it still hurts sometimes to be perfectly honest. I remember walking from my locker at school during lunch to find my friends and passed my guidance counselor on the way to our spot. She said, "Your mom called me because she was concerned about your grades. I'm so sorry that she's sick." All I could think of saying was, "Thanks" and walked away. One of the more popular girls in my class asked me in English the next day what Mrs. Hansen meant by what she said and I told her with tears welling my eyes that my mom was dying from cancer. I don't even remember the girls name but I was sent to the school psychologist that very same period. At the time my mom was still on chemo and radiation and I didn't a...