...you can count on me. Ugh. I don't know where home is anymore. If home is where the heart is, then I am utterly lost. I feel lost. There's family stuff going on that I don't know how to handle. I suppose I have this ideal situation running through my head of how my family should be. How things should be without my mom here. That reality I cannot change. I cannot bring my mom back. As much as I want to, I can't. Anyway, this ideal situation that often plauges me when things in my family aren't going as smoothly as I want them to, is again plauging me. I want my family to be happy. I want my dad to come to terms that his ex wife isn't the best person for him. She never will be no matter how much counseling she goes though. There has been too many rifts, tears in the tapestry that is our family, that she has caused that there is no way that any of us, my siblings and I, could be happy with them reconciling. All in all, I want my dad back. In my head, this tapestr...