What I was doing 10 years ago... Getting ready for my senior year and going crazy with EFY crap and Girls Camp crap and just angsty teenagery stuff in general. What is on my to-do list... 1] Sleep. 2] Clean room/house 3] Finish The 10th Kingdom. What are 3 habits of mine... 1] pulling faces 2] drumming my fingers 3] stuttering when I get excited about something. Things you might not know about me... 1] I am a compulsive book series reader. It doesn't matter if the book sucks, I HAVE to know what happens in the end. 2] I get all weird when a cute guy winks at me. I don't know what to do... 3] I secretly like being cold. 4 TV shows/movies that I love... 1] Little Women 2] The X-files 3] The Office 4] Ugly Betty 4 Jobs that I have had... 1] Gas n' Go lackey 2] Book Baron sales clerk 3] Albertsons 4] Maceys 4 Favorite books that I've read... 1] Spiderwick Chronicles 2] Narnia Chronicles 3] The Light of the Oracle 4] Book of Mormon 5 Places that I've lived... 1. East Roc...