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Mother Nature

I've noticed the past few pictures that I've posted on my Instagram have been of the mountains surrounding the home I've made here in Utah. Every time I walk to work or am just taking a walk on river trail near my house, I can't help but be in awe of the beauty that surrounds me. It amazes me how big the sky is in the summer, how orange or pink the clouds are in the setting sun or how the sun rises over the mountains in the east. When I have time to think of the beauty that surrounds me, I can't help but think that this where I'm supposed to be. I never really put a lot of thought into whether or not where I've lived at the time; if it was where I was supposed to be. It was always just an adventure in being somewhere new. Lately though, I can't help but feel that Utah is where I need to be. I don't necessarily feel that I'll live here for the rest of my life, but for right now, it feels right.

I'm the kind of person that is always looking into the future: where I want to live, what I want to be doing. I rarely take the time to appreciate where I am now or take it easy with the planning. It's hard for me to not make plans. I don't know if it's because of things that have happened in my life, but I'm always concerned with the endgame. I struggle with short term goals mostly because I get impatient if things don't go the way I want them to or if I don't have the funds to do what I want to make the endgame come sooner. I struggle with staying in one place for too long without some sort of break so a few nights ago, I was musing about renting a car and taking a beach vacation for a few days. My friend Malaina reminded me that she lives in Southern California and said I could come crash with her for a few days. Ever since I came back to work after fracturing my ankle, I've been going non-stop working trying to pay off my medical bills faster. Needless to say, a few more grey hairs - I like to call them sparkly hairs - have sprouted. Anyhow, last night I decided that I was going to start saving money to rent a car and have a little spending money. I haven't really worked out the kinks, but I've started a savings plan spreadsheet with my Google account and have scheduled a few automatic transfer payments to my savings account from my checking account for at least my automatic deposit.

For the first time in a month, I actually love having two jobs. Having a beach trip in the works makes up for the fact that I work 6 days a week, sometimes with a few 24+ hour periods of no sleep sprinkled in. I know what you're thinking, I'm slowly killing myself with this work schedule. I can assure you that this isn't going to last forever. I'll probably quit my second job right before Christmas. Anyhow, an acquaintance of mine will be doing my hair in a couple weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to time it right to have a fresh haircut for my beach trip.

Well, here's to successful short term plans!

P.S. I totally blame Google Maps for all my nostalgic memories of driving all over my hometown and making plans for road trips.


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